Addressing the challenges of existing carbon credit standards

A new standard that places environmental impact above financial impact

The Diamante Carbon Standard (DCS) integrates environmental, socioeconomic, diversity, equity, inclusion requirements, and emerging technologies. The verification and validation process is transparent, efficient, cost effective, and accountable using blockchain technology to track and trace each carbon credit throughout its lifecycle.

The DCS was created to address the challenges of existing carbon credit standards, specifically for regions that have made great strides with renewable energy, and other environmental polices.

DCS carbon credits are real, measurable, and permanent. While being backed by strong environmental and social safeguards.

Benefits of DCS

Buyers of DCS carbon credits can be confident that they are getting the highest quality credits available.

Sellers of DCS carbon credits can earn a premium for their credits, as they are in high demand from buyers who are looking for the best quality credits available.

How To Get Involved

Businesses and individuals can purchase DCS carbon credits to offset their carbon emissions.

Project developers can create and sell DCS carbon credits.

Investors can invest in DCS carbon credits or in companies that develop and sell DCS carbon credits.